July 27, 2009


Lard (or your favorite shortening).
1- cup for meat pies.
3/4-cups for sweet pies.
2-cups flour
2-6 tablespoons of cold water.

In a very large bowl add shortening and flour.
Mix with fingers until it becomes mealy.
Gradually add 1-tablespoon of the cold water keep adding cold water until dough sticks together. Too much water makes for a tough dough.
Divide into two parts wrap each in film wrap and chill for 2-hours.
This makes 2-crust.
Brush the top of sweet pies with milk and sprinkle with sugar.
For meat pies brush top with 1-beaten egg.
The dough will keep for several days if refrigerated.
Use as little flour that you can when rolling out dough otherwise you will have a tough dough.

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